Grace Bible Church

New Franklin, Ohio -

Phone: 330-882-4416

Grace Bible Church is located about 10 miles south of Akron, OH. The church has been a presence in this area for over 200 years. Through the years it has changed both its location and name. Our current facility was constructed in 1976 and the name of the church was Manchester Trinity Chapel. In 2007, the church was almost forced to close due to inactivity, but God had another plan. A church re-plant was started and the congregation named the new start Grace Bible Church.

Over the last two decades GBC has commited itself to bringing joy to others as we love, follow and share Jesus Christ. We envision becoming a congregation with a vibrant, growing prayer life, seeking God’s sovereign direction for our lives both corporately and individually.  We envision our house of prayer becoming an equipping center where we are committed to making disciples who know, follow and share Jesus Christ. We envision partners following a discipleship path that leads to the discovery of their own divine design for ministry in attractive environments that are inviting and culturally relevant.  We envision inspiring our congregation to love our neighbors as ourselves and commit to reaching out into our community and the world as God leads, guides, and directs us, as His faithful church and as His generous followers.